In Anticipation of The Book of Dust

I anticipate the arrival of ‘La Belle Sauvage’, the first part of Philip Pullman’s sequel trilogy to ‘His Dark Materials’.
In this post I examine the recently released covers and sample extract from the upcoming book.

RIP Michael Bond

It was very sad news indeed to learn that Michael Bond, author of the Paddington Bear books, had passed away. Here’s an obituary and my relationship with his most famous character.

A Change in Decoration

After five years I have finally decided to conduct a thorough redesign of the website.

When Vipers Sing (Poem)

Another poem from me, hope you guys enjoy! As for what it means, well who am I to say? You decide for yourselves.

Whispers in the Mind (Poem)

Why do the whispers in the mind And scissor blades upon the skin Inspire in me, so deep within Words to feed my hungry soul. And why does anger light the spark Igniting fire within that dark And destitute pit of trite. No other time, does my hand move And start to scrawl, with coarse…

Bath Christmas Market

Sophie, my number one home dawg, goes to Bath University, so we planned a little squad trip to visit her, and check out the famous Bath Christmas Market at the same time. The market, which has been running since 2000, is one of the largest in the UK. Reams and reams of little sheds are…

Is This the Way to Amarillo? (Parody)

Going travelling around Europe and having nothing to show for it except a load of photos and a slightly higher appreciation of culture? Nope, we couldn’t resist but make a video on our little holiday, and here it is. We made it as a parody to Peter Kay’s 2005 music video for Tony Christie’s song Is…

Interrail Trip 2016 – Athens, Greece

Our final destination was Athens. I was originally not going to document this part of the trip as… what Athens in Greece stays in Greece! Hahaha, I’m so funny. Right let’s get on. We were staying at Pagration Youth Hostel, just a short journey from the city. It was an odd place, as there were…

Interrail Trip 2016 – Budapest, Hungary

So the next location in our world-wide expedition, was Budapest. We actually arrived at this one at a sensible hour of the day, so no rough airport camping for us #winning. We caught the metro from the airport to Budapest town and then arrived at our hostel (Google Maps was a little more accurate this…