Aaron Richards (Young Mycroft Holmes) Interview

mycroft-1The fourth (and possibly final) series of Sherlock came to an explosive end on Sunday. I spoke to Aaron Richards who played a young Mycroft Holmes in flashback scenes, to find out about his experience filming the show.


Hi Aaron. Really enjoyed the flashback scenes in the latest episode. How many days were you filming for?

Umm well, I was only filming for 2 days. However young Sherlock was filming for much longer than me.

mycroft2What was it like working on the set of such a large-scale production?

It was really enjoyable to see the behind the scenes and work alongside some great actors. The sets were amazing and the cast were really friendly!

Did you have to keep your involvement secret or could you talk about your role before the episode aired?

No, I couldn’t publicise it. I signed a contract of secrecy.

mycroft-3Did you get to meet any of the main cast whilst filming?

I met Mark Gatiss and Benedict Cumberbatch. They were both extremely kind and friendly.

Did Mark Gatiss give you any particular instructions on how to play the character of Mycroft?

He was giving me small pointers as I was acting, from off-screen. Just the ways Mycroft would react with sharing, family and food etc.


Thank you Aaron for speaking to me. If anybody is interested in my Sherlock filming locations video, it can be found here.

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