PenPal is 2!

If somebody had told me two years ago that I’d still be posting random, meaningless spiel on this site, I certainly would not have believed them. But the time seems to have flown by and today marks my blog’s second anniversary. To be honest I thought this site would be a fling, a mere phase…

The Animals of Farthing Wood

I don’t know what it is about children’s television these days, it’s just so different. Gone are the hand drawn cartoons and grainy animations I used to watch, replaced with cutting-edge, technology enriched spectacles with much higher budget then anything I saw. Perhaps it is because I’m older now that I don’t warm to these…

The Horne Section Recording – Series 3 Episode 5&6

So on Friday night I went to another Radio Recording, this time for ‘The Horne Section’. ‘The Horne Section’ are a comedy jazz club who tour the UK doing shows and stuff. Anyways, back in 2012 they were given their own radio show for BBC Radio 4 which is just about to broadcast its 3rd…